Our School Curriculum
“The curriculum is ambitious and covers a broad range of subjects.”
(Ofsted, February 2022)
The Corner School follows the national curriculum, and all pupils have a personalised class, or individual, ‘learning pathway’. This approach means that each pupil experiences success and can reach their full potential. In our most recent inspection Ofsted stated that, “Staff make effective use of assessment to plan and cater for pupils on an individual basis. They identify what pupils know and where they have gaps in their knowledge. They use this information to plan a bespoke programme of learning for each pupil.”
Visual timetables, sensory diets, movement breaks, transition time, and specialist learning equipment, strategies and pathways are structured into the daily implementation of the curriculum. Personalised interventions are in place to support each individual pupil’s specific needs.
Therapeutic strategies are interwoven throughout the curriculum and the onsite school psychotherapist, speech and language therapist, and occupational therapist work as part of the specialist school team to support the development of a personalised curriculum provision. This ensures access to a rich, broad, and balanced curriculum. We focus on building upon each pupil’s strengths and addressing their existing gaps in learning to ensure they make accelerated progress, in all areas of school life, from their starting point.
As a school we make full use of our location to enhance our pupils’ learning experiences through regular school trips, such as visits to museums, exhibitions, productions, and sporting events. Guest speakers and workshops are also held at the school, or virtually throughout the year, in line with the learning pathways.
Once a pupil is enrolled at The Corner School we use a variety of information to ensure we can create the best learning pathway possible. For example, we use:
● The pupil’s EHCP and associated reports;
● Local Authority/Borough recommendations of need;
● Professional advice and documentation from the pupil’s previous school;
● Advice from Educational Psychologists, Speech and Language therapists, Occupational Therapists, CAMHS, outreach advice from specialist schools, Social Care, and other medical/clinical professional advice;
● Baseline assessments from the previous school and on-going tracking information on
progress, attendance, engagement and expected outcomes for each subject area in the curriculum;
● Information from the school visit and/or home visit (Pupil’s likes, dislikes, triggers, interests, successes);
● Parental information;
● Pupil voice.